Fashion,  Jewellery,  LGBTQIA+,  Lifestyle

Wear it with Pride

June is such a wonderful month in the United States! The sun starts to come out for extended periods, the days are longer, and everywhere you look, you see rainbows!

June is a time to celebrate LGTBQIA+ pride, and commemorate the first Pride marches that were held in several American cities in 1970, following the previous year’s Stonewall uprising. It’s not only America that celebrates Pride month in June – many other countries also celebrate during June.

It’s a time to fly that rainbow flag with pride, either as a queer person, or as an ally.

Designers and brands are getting increasingly creative with their pride-inspired offerings. Check these out:

Person on the beach wearing large dangling earrings that resemble colorful fish skeletons. They also wear a woven grass hat and a black tshirt that says "warrior."
Person with long curled hair and big round sunglasses, reclining on a sun lounge, wearing long colorful dangly earrings cascading over their collarbones.

These Rainbow Salmon Ghost and Rainbow Serpent earrings from Washington state Indigenous artisan jewelry designer Copper Canoe Woman are the perfect way to accessorize your Pride – bold, glam and distinctive; a great statement piece in June or any month. And, they’re a great way to support the community while looking great! A percentage of the profit from the Rainbow Salmon Ghosts are being donated to the Urban Native Youth Association’s 2-Spirit Collective, which provides support, resources and programming for Indigenous youth who identify as 2-spirit or LGBTQ+.

Screenshot from Haus of Dizzy website featuring products from their LGBTQIA+ Collection, including pronoun pins, pride flag heart pins, and assorted pride earrings.

Haus of Dizzy’s LGBTQIA+ collection includes cute pronoun pins and necklaces, pride flag pins, gorgeous rainbow heart earrings and so much more! Celebrating Pride plays in perfectly with Wiradjuri founder Kristy Dickson’s philosophy of making “bold, playful, statement-making jewellery that celebrates and honours Indigenous culture—imbuing a sense of empowerment and joy within everybody who wears it.”

Haus of Dizzy’s ally-friendly Indigenous Rainbow Pride and The Future Is Intersectional earrings are perfect statement pieces for June, and for a little more bling, you can’t go past their gold or silver mirrored Queer Bamboo Hoops.

Five pairs of pride-themed sunglasses, stacked vertically.

You might want some eye-bling to go with your face-bling… if so, the second annual edCFDA Pride Eyewear Initiative is for you! Five designers from the Council of Fashion Designers of America collaborated on the collection, and you can buy the frames directly from the designers – Blake Kuwahara Eyewear, Christian Roth Eyewear, Krewe Eyewear, l.a.Eyeworks and Selima Optique. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the TransLatin@ Coalition, which organizes and advocates for the issues and needs of trans Latin@ individuals residing in the United States.

These collections are a just the tip of the iceberg – lots of more mainstream designers and global brands are getting on board with bold, colorful Pride collections every year. Check out your favorite brands and see what they have to offer! And don’t forget, LGBTQIA+ Pride doesn’t have to be limited to just June – let every month be Pride month!

Rainbow-colored balloon sculptures that spell out PRIDE are held aloft, above a crowd of people waving various Pride and Equality flags.

Other ways to show your Pride:

Happy Pride! 🌈

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